Friday, March 19, 2010

Win some super cute barrettes!

I am constantly going over how I am going to take revenge against that arsehole who changed my family, and i am trying not to go to jail over this... it has been nearly 3 years, and my wife has mostly been there for me, except when she found out about my revenge acts ( which I hate, because I would never ever have gone and done that, I tried to be the best husband, and always knocked back advances in the past, I am a personal trainer and part time male model, and got tested quiet a lot)( I have lowered my standards and feel ashamed)

Win a Sephora Makeover!! Big bucks no whammies!

If there is any justice in the universe I will win this.

umm i don't have much experience in relationships but il say this, if things are going bad. just end it don't let it drag on otherwise you will get hurt this much i know however if you really care for the relationship then talk to her don't forget you cant read her mind and neither can she attempt to talk to her, say we a lot :P otherwise if you keep referring to her then she will get mad because then she will think you're putting her at fault but if its noting serious then drop it otherwise something will happen that will hurt you.

Win a body shaper!

We moved alot when i was young and i adapted more than building relationships. At the last move frm gr 10 to 12 i was severely depresd. I fell in with a group bt they didnt know me for real.i wore a mask. When i talk to someone i wear a mask. Smiling no probl bt uninvolved distant. Then i got married and hav 2 kids now. I only hav family and near(bt distant friends) i feel a huge wall betw us. I want to discuss my probl with a prof bt get so anxious that i avoid mind is in constant battle with my will. To make friends and let them in and c a psyc. Bt i cant. is this a fear of intimacy, adhd, avoidancy,depres.

Win a Smoky Eye Kit!

I know what your saying Cathy but... she's so unpredictable!

I don't know whether she is suffering with depression? She's one of these who will go to a Chinese Herbalist and spend pounds on herbal tablets to help her depression then go in a pharmacy and ask the pharmacy if these tablets are worth taking? So, a matter of fact... there pissing against the wind with her! Excuse the expression!

I think she puts on more than is actually wrong with her?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Win a Super Cute Bag!

A girl I know says she is very depressed. She has been under her doctor for 12 Months for this, who have prescribed a mixture of medication because this girl says that none of them work?

The thing is: this girl is not taking each and every medication that has been prescribed to her correctly! She will try her medication for a couple of days and then say that it is not working? She will then stop taking them and pay her doctor another visit at the end of her course and tell him that there not working, who then, prescribes her a different Anti-depressant. This has constantly gone on for the 12 Months which her doctor is unaware of.

Now her doctor has asked her to go for blood test to see what the problem is. She failed to attend these blood test!

Is this attention or really depression?

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Win Rachel Ray Cookware

I hate Kangaroo Jack.

I think we sat through a half hour or so before I just had to turn it off and send the kids upstairs to play. There was foul language, a bar scene where the main character is drinking beers and excited about how much another character can consume, a scene in an airplane where the 2 main characters are handling the ill gotten money in a bathroom and the people outside the toilet are made to believe they are playing with one of the characters feces, there is a scene where the mob boss threatens the lives of the main characters, and a scene where a man they are to deliver the money to also threatens their lives.

All of this is just in the first 30 minutes or so, and after watching just that I read some other reviews on here that went on to discuss worse such as a wet t-shirt contest. I should have checked out before I tried this movie out, I can only imagine what they have to say about it.

Bottom line, this movie has gotten to be #26 of the bottom 100 movies on this site because it's pure trash. Parents be warned, if you want an excellent children's movie that's great for any kid I'd suggest Ice Age if you haven't already seen it.