Monday, February 15, 2010

Win a Logitech Quick Cam VisionPro!

Win a Logitech Quick Cam VisionPro!

1. I cannot STAND saying anything that would echo the actions and sentiments of my mother.
2. I knew my family were going to be worried about me. You cannot change as much as i have and not worry them. But they know I made that impact as small as possible in their lives.
3. They know I love them and was trying to protect them by protecting my income in retirement and for the next couple of years it would take me to ge there.

My mother, she would quit before the task is full explained. I set an example of personal strength, the will to survive despite the odds and obstacles. My mother, she tries talking my kids out of Soccer in case they might be hurt. She tried talking my daughter out of going to college because her father "needed her daily."

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